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Allow yourself to touch the soul of another man, let him get acquainted with your heart, your warmth, your life.

Every moment of our life is full of different sensations, but how many of them we allow ourselves to feel, how many of them we live fully - not closing and is not hiding from them. How we live our lives in full, how much of our happiness, we feel full, how much of our love reaches us, as our concern penetrates into people ...?

And every time I re-born,
And every time I revived.
I feel your touch
I feel your wind on the lips.
And every breath I feel complete,
And every gesture, I'm up to the end.
And every word I sounded. Source,
The origin of joy I want to inspire.
The life that I live full,
Two lives that by the end leading.
The life that I feel I
Two lives, that feeling is given.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Чем нужно питаться на отдыхе

Рагу из судака и моркови
Филе судак вымойте, удалите кожицу, нарежьте кубиками величиной два сантиметра, посолите и поперчите, затем запанируйте в муке. Очищенные морковь и лук нарежьте кубиками и пропассируйте пять минут в кастрюле на оливковом масле. Выложите сверху рыбные кубики, добавьте воды и потушите ещё пять минут. Готовое блюдо заправьте медом, кориандром, небольшим количеством горчицы, солью и перцем. На гарнир подайте отварной рис.

Куриный салат с помидорами
Свежие помидоры, куриное филе и твердый сыр нарежьте кубиками. Чеснок зелень, зеленый лук измельчите, заправьте горчицей, уксусом растительным маслом, солью. подготовленные элементы смешайте и, украсив листьями салата, выложите набльдо.

Куриное филе с овощами
Кабачки и баклажаны нарежьте тонкими кружечками, а помидоры - дольками. Свежие шампиньоны очистите и сбрызните лимонным соком. Добавьте к овощам и грибам соль, перец и мелко нарубленную зелень. Разогрейте в кастрюле оливковое масло и положите туда очищенный измельченный чеснок. В этом масле с двух сторон обжарьте куриное филе, после чего выложите его в огнеупорную форму, добавив сверху овощи и шампиньоны, и запекайте в духовке пятнадцать минут.

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Салат из киви, дыни и креветок
Дыню очистите от кожуры, разрежьте пополам, удалите семечки. Часть дынной мякоти разомните до консистенции пюре, смешайте с яблочным уксусом, оливковым маслом, измельченными листьями кориандра, нарезанными тонкими полосками листьями салата. Все это приправьте солью и перцем, перемешайте и выложите на блюдо. Креветки положите сверху на салат. Киви нарежьте ломтиками, дыню кусочками и украсьте ими салат.

Листья салата со свиным филе, запеченные с сыром
Лук нашинкуйте, листья салата нарежьте тонкими полосками. Все это выложите в кастрюлю, сверху добавьте сливочное масло, немного уксуса, воды и протушите в течении пяти минут. Затем положите постное свиное филе, приправленное солью и перцем, сверху посыпьте тертым сыром и подержите на медленном огне еще десять минут. На гарнир подайте отварной картофель.

Овощной коктейль
Смешайте обезжиренное молоко, сок моркови, свеклы, огурца, измельченный чеснок, горчицу, кетчуп, соль перец, мелко нарубленную зелень. Смесь тщательно взбить миксером.

Коктейль с орехами и медом
Измельченные ядра орехов, изюм кефир, сок одного лимона, мед, ванильный порошок. Все смешать и взбить миксером.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

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Homeopathy is not compatible with such procedures as acupuncture, physiotherapy, any sensory interventions. If you plan on using these treatments necessarily inform your homeopath!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

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That is premenstrual syndrome, you will be able to forget once and for all. Even breathing that accompanies the dance, removes uterine cramps, and balanced work of the spine relaxes the muscles "clips" causing a headache. In addition, it is believed that belly dance significantly increases the chances of bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In the dance of a woman actively coached those muscle groups that are little involved in daily life, but are essential in the interesting position. "

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Thursday, March 18, 2010


On the plane it seems that the water lilies on the surface of the sea, shimmering dark blue, turquoise and emerald green ... None of the 1,192 coral islands of the Maldives archipelago, which does not rise more than 3 meters above sea level. Longest Island - 8 miles. The smallest - 80 meters. On it lived 450 people, mostly fishermen.

But two centuries ago, the Maldives, a tropical paradise of the Indian Ocean could disappear from the face of the earth. Three hundred thousand people of this pearl of the south-east of India is still threatened by global warming. As predicted by some experts, if nothing is done to prevent this trend, sea level will continue to rise by 2-3 mm, and can, and 5-10 mm per year.

It may also have a vague awareness of the vulnerability of the Maldives contributes to the fact that the number of tourists is increasing day by day. Now, two years after the tsunami, the male optimism reigns. In December 2005 the tourism sector was in limbo, but in the first trimester of 2006 tourism began to develop with surprising speed.

Despite the fact that the tragedy of 26 December 2004 referred to the Maldives is less than that of Indonesia, Thailand or Sri Lanka (110 victims against hundreds of thousands of victims in neighboring countries), its implications for the archipelago have been severe. In 2005, the number of tourists to the islands was reduced by 39%. For a country that lives almost exclusively from the revenues from tourism, it was a serious blow. But gradually the "tsunami effect" faded away. Tourists from Britain, Germany, France and Italy returned. All resorts are open again, with the exception of four or five in the process of renovation.

The consequences of another disaster - the El Nino that occurred in 1998, just gradually disappear. Was it a natural disaster or it was provoked by a man? The opinions of scholars are divided. Whatever it was, a sharp increase in water temperature affected all countries in the equatorial belt. Water temperature averaged 30 degrees and rose to 31-32 degrees, allegedly because of lack of currents, and remained at this level for several weeks. As a result, corals have lost their nutrient algae and lost color. Until now, you can see where some of the fields whitened corals on the ocean floor, looking like a pile of bones.

Gradually the underwater life to normal, though with varying success depending on the reef. "Some corals grow to 8 cm per year" - Barbara De Angeli rejoices, a marine biologist, a temporary teaching tourists basic rules protecting the underwater environment in one of the tourist complexes. This same expert confirms that the fish are not affected by El Nino. Moreover, their colors became brighter than before. At a depth of less than 5 meters you can see, almost in disbelief, ballet, clown-fish, fish, parrots, turtles, sharks, rays and other underwater inhabitants. Maldives really deserve the reputation of paradise for divers.

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Archipelago remains to determine its future policy. Authorities vary, choosing between elite hotels five star hotels and three stars, which are so insistently demanding European tour operators. The official acknowledged to the development of affordable for most "middle management". Actually, the priority remains more profitable for investors, luxury ...

Lightning fast acceleration

Tourism development, slowly started in 1970, now has gained lightning speed. Until recently, only ninety small islands were used for tourist facilities on the principle of "one island, one hotel. In 2005, eleven new islands came to the tourist market. In 2006 they were joined by another 35 islands, they are in the process of improvement. In the next five years, to tourists, mainly from Europe, will be invited to another 7000 places for recreation.

Maldives became a fashionable trend, and probably a long time. In recent years, a new niche - spa-resorts. Recreation, combined with the care of the body, already exceeds the demand for recreation. From now on, to meet growing demand, the smallest resort offers of massages, beauty treatments for face and body, meditation sessions, gym, aerobics and so on. Asian technique (Balinese, Indian and other massages) are combined with classical European techniques.

Perhaps this is the secret of success? Leaving the Maldives, each promised myself to come back, come what may. And, as statistics show, most of the tourists keep their word. But this success is the flip side, and the Maldivian authorities have to overcome the accumulated problems. One of them - is transportation. Getting to the hotel to the male without transfer of any European capital, most often have a charter flight. "We lack direct scheduled flights. Many of our clients are willing to buy good seats in business class, but they simply can not find them ", - complains leadership Islands hotels.

Another problem - it wastes. In the archipelago there is no garbage service. Each hotel complex should have its own system of burning garbage and dispose of wastes at sea only after their complete incineration. In reality, not all resorts are following this rule costly. Many of them neglected and throw trash in the sea, as it is done at no tourist islands, inhabited by indigenous people of the Maldives.

And, finally, lack of trained personnel severely hinders tourism development of the archipelago. "The next summer I open three new resort. My main concern - is to find suitable staff. Maldivian law requires us to employ not less than 51% of the local population from the total number of our employees. But we can not gain so much "- to worry the director of one of the tourist complexes. For it is the most important problem, which should solve the authorities in the near future.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Emancipation - already a hundred years as a fait accompli, but still a woman in business to break many times harder than men.

The authorities close their eyes to a condescending male mood swings associated with losing your favorite football team or pivoobilnoy gatherings, but female slightly more pronounced in the emotional state of "critical days" would cause anger and flux generalizing comments like: "All women are hysterics, etc. etc. "

Business lady that took the crucible of career growth, knowledge and hard earned status of an expert in his field of activity while maintaining feminine appeal - read a temptation for men - a challenge for many of their male identity.

In American culture, increase in the number "biznesvimen" intensifies the war of the sexes.

The women have achieved equality with men, social status, "bare hands" will not take. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that the men's favorite method of depreciation of women's business skills and brain - hint at the fact that women's victories in society - the result of the seduction of all the same, may be positioned slightly steeper than the men, who decided in response to reward "the poor crumbs "career. Such a "phallic" clearing deeply hurt the U.S. women's souls and leads many of them to the avoidance of their femininity and, consequently, to a total suspicion of men in the horrors "harrasmenta.

We have a war sexes will be easier. Our boys are relatively recent - 15 years as - opera in millionaires and the owners of factories, newspapers, steamships. In the euphoria of the Great

Wins Men benefactor loyal friends - whom beauty salon, fashion magazine publisher who - toy format that compared with their large

Of Affairs supported the male ego in a decent relationship with the "Ladies Things.

In the period of "wild capitalism" women were in the fields maloumestny redistribution of property. But in the last five to seven years, women can successfully master the territory of small and medium businesses. Advertising, publishing, trade - middling - businesses, and many other areas permanently occupied by a woman's control and even thrive.

Businesswoman ...

What is it? And why should a woman become a business?

As the most obvious - to fulfill your potential ... Format Detny family takes a woman entirely in three to five years minimum, and if the level of education and business characteristics, women are paid society as a volume, which allows to use the services nurses, housekeeper, then hardly anyone usidit home. Even Izobilny family plenty to entertain yourself shopping, fitness, peeling and fashionable "tusami" should ever get bored with. Moreover, if all this splendor is paid only the husband, wife, even as superdorogoy accessory can get bored, grow old or simply out of fashion ...

Own - albeit minimal - financial independence greatly increases women's self-esteem and, paradoxically, increases the attractiveness of women in men's eyes. "She loves me, not my millions!" - This is in our time is worth a lot ....

"Outside-family" woman - a straight path in the business there and choose a potential partner in life is safer than in transport or at the resort, and drown in a businesslike bustle of frustration at the lovingly-marital career honor: "Look, young man Ivanova - 14 hours a day, work hard, and Petrova all seemed to love to the family to call to escape! "

What a gift to bring pleasure to a business woman?

Ideally - feminine accessory business, preferably from leading big houses - Chanel, Dior, Lanvin, Scherrer, Cherruti. These names will favorable to your gift any business Capricious. These include:

- Slim notebooks with handle from DuPont - the female line;

- Daily or planning in the cover of a good skin;

- Wallet for detail, a woman's purse from Balenciaga;

- Travel accessories - leather toilet, dressing-cases from Chanel, road kofr

for jewelry from the exclusive varieties of skin - alligator, ostrich;

- Exclusive hands - there are great female models from Cherruti and Scherrer;

- Stand for scraps Swarovski.

If corporate ethics and your relationship with the target female audience can refer exclusively to the female parts, accessories, knick-knacks are giving - again, preferably from leading more homes:

- Brooch with the initials of the recipient or company-giver;

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- Umbrellas - on the square from the Scherrer to feminine mini from Rocco Baroque - only

moderate range of colors;

- Flowers - roses, lilies - from silver or gold.

Supplement to the main gift may be a semantic analysis of the plate with the name and the names of the ladies, made on parchment or on a wooden plaque.

The love of mysticism and mysteries peculiar to the vast majority of women, so a good gift would be accessories to the predictions and light magic rituals - tarot cards, runes, symbolic pendants, original figures of the zodiac signs, Feng Shui, accessories for home and office. Amulets, symbols of material wealth and financial success - wall panels, pritolochnye suspension, turtle figurine, or the ship good luck with the detailed scheme of its most favorable location in the cabinet to keep the wind well - good options for gifts for business women.

For every woman's appearance and health - the priorities in the scale of values. It is therefore appropriate for business women will be set aromomasel describing their impact and aromolampoy original shape, set for a sauna, a picnic basket, any options kits to care for beauty and health - a moderate flavor and a recognizable trademark. Give the spirits - a bold move, because the flavor - very intimate thing, but a set of accessories for the bath (salts, sachets, foam and gels) is quite decent podarok.alt

For office can give an ionizer or a humidifier, room fountain, trap cigarette smoke.

If there is an opportunity to address the child of the recipient - giving handmade porcelain dolls, figurines snowmen and Santa Clauses, ballerinas and Snow Maidens, cats and mice.

Flower arrangements - in a mini-baskets, ikebana - or Christmas wreaths and mini-Christmas trees will be pleased with a business woman and decorate her office.

Since becoming a business woman and had to have read a lot, and she hardly ever get rid of this habit, giving her books and encyclopedias on:

- Interior decor;

- Decisions of the suburban garden;

- Feng Shua;

- Alternative medicine and nutrition systems;

- Yoga and the newest system for maintaining beauty and health.

If you - a woman, I hope you and many of my article agree.

If you - man, show this story to a business partner - a lady to win

support and share responsibility for the close selection of gifts to these riddles

nature - a business woman.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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