Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ode feelings

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Contact ... Contact with others.
For some reason we did not enjoy the study of objects and people with feelings, we forget about it. Although there is no! Should Levitra From India we poke a finger in hot wax, or in icy water in the closing of the door or in a food processor - and we immediately recall the "Oh, if I did live, but I feel it. Ah, I feel you burning wax and cold water, oak door, a sharp knife.

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Remember the last time you felt some touch tree bark, a taste of snow, a soft cream on the cake for your birthday, a dense Cheapest Cialis and durable jelly, like quicksand, a wet leather nose of your dog and a soft coat of your rabbit. Can you now describe the hand of your beloved, what are they?

How much we miss? So many beautiful moments and feelings are in vain, by us.

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Try at least one day a silence, try to at least one day, nothing to see, try to at least one day hear nothing - just a Natural Viagra feeling, just feel, just enjoy life. What if you get that then you will see that when you hear that then you understand?

Feelings give us the opportunity to touch another human essence, to that point at which few people go, to the truths which few people know. Touch allows us to feel the source of another man, his feelings, his feelings, his anxieties and fears, his stress and relaxation, his mind and his soul. After all, the heart and soul of a single system, so what we are dealing Viagra Generic only with the brain. There are things that the mind will never understand, but the feeling - it is not necessary. Sometimes it happen that you are dealing with a long man and can not understand what he tells you about what he wanted to tell something to share, from which to escape. He utters the words - and they can not hear, he draws you a picture - and can not see them, he explains, but nothing is clear. But one has only to touch, might just hug or take a person's hand and have nothing else to say and do not have to show, and not over than not have to ponder.

I remember one case where a simple touch has changed the life of man. At the same hour was the second consultation with the client, and everything goes according to the rules and everything goes as it should, and most of the work already done, but the client still can not get easier. The consultant does not Levitra Sample find a place for itself ... A client girl, still can not forgive my boyfriend for treason, and though it has long been separated, but it does not let her go any further, does not continue to live, does not breathe ... something interferes, something is blocked, something stops. And when the consultant at the last breath, gently and lovingly stroked the girl's back, feeling her pain, her resentment and depression, says simply, that is ready to support her and help ... she changed her face, her cheeks rozoveyut, she finds access to that resource, which, until then just do not notice it. And within two minutes of consultation is completed.

I still remember, as she said: "And when I felt your hand, something seems broke into me, I felt the fog I'm not alone, that Order Levitra someone was with me is that someone Radom that Someone will support ... It was a breakthrough, but I always have at home, and I myself can not support themselves, I myself can not ... "One touch can change lives.

Allow yourself to touch the soul of another man, let him get acquainted with your heart, your warmth, your life.

Every moment of our life is full of different sensations, but how many of them we allow ourselves to feel, how many of them we live fully - not closing and is not hiding from them. How we live our lives in full, how much of our happiness, we feel full, how much of our love reaches us, as our concern penetrates into people ...?

And every time I re-born,
And every time I revived.
I feel your touch
I feel your wind on the lips.
And every breath I feel complete,
And every gesture, I'm up to the end.
And every word I sounded. Source,
The origin of joy I want to inspire.
The life that I live full,
Two lives that by the end leading.
The life that I feel I
Two lives, that feeling is given.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Чем нужно питаться на отдыхе

Рагу из судака и моркови
Филе судак вымойте, удалите кожицу, нарежьте кубиками величиной два сантиметра, посолите и поперчите, затем запанируйте в муке. Очищенные морковь и лук нарежьте кубиками и пропассируйте пять минут в кастрюле на оливковом масле. Выложите сверху рыбные кубики, добавьте воды и потушите ещё пять минут. Готовое блюдо заправьте медом, кориандром, небольшим количеством горчицы, солью и перцем. На гарнир подайте отварной рис.

Куриный салат с помидорами
Свежие помидоры, куриное филе и твердый сыр нарежьте кубиками. Чеснок зелень, зеленый лук измельчите, заправьте горчицей, уксусом растительным маслом, солью. подготовленные элементы смешайте и, украсив листьями салата, выложите набльдо.

Куриное филе с овощами
Кабачки и баклажаны нарежьте тонкими кружечками, а помидоры - дольками. Свежие шампиньоны очистите и сбрызните лимонным соком. Добавьте к овощам и грибам соль, перец и мелко нарубленную зелень. Разогрейте в кастрюле оливковое масло и положите туда очищенный измельченный чеснок. В этом масле с двух сторон обжарьте куриное филе, после чего выложите его в огнеупорную форму, добавив сверху овощи и шампиньоны, и запекайте в духовке пятнадцать минут.

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Салат из киви, дыни и креветок
Дыню очистите от кожуры, разрежьте пополам, удалите семечки. Часть дынной мякоти разомните до консистенции пюре, смешайте с яблочным уксусом, оливковым маслом, измельченными листьями кориандра, нарезанными тонкими полосками листьями салата. Все это приправьте солью и перцем, перемешайте и выложите на блюдо. Креветки положите сверху на салат. Киви нарежьте ломтиками, дыню кусочками и украсьте ими салат.

Листья салата со свиным филе, запеченные с сыром
Лук нашинкуйте, листья салата нарежьте тонкими полосками. Все это выложите в кастрюлю, сверху добавьте сливочное масло, немного уксуса, воды и протушите в течении пяти минут. Затем положите постное свиное филе, приправленное солью и перцем, сверху посыпьте тертым сыром и подержите на медленном огне еще десять минут. На гарнир подайте отварной картофель.

Овощной коктейль
Смешайте обезжиренное молоко, сок моркови, свеклы, огурца, измельченный чеснок, горчицу, кетчуп, соль перец, мелко нарубленную зелень. Смесь тщательно взбить миксером.

Коктейль с орехами и медом
Измельченные ядра орехов, изюм кефир, сок одного лимона, мед, ванильный порошок. Все смешать и взбить миксером.