Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sexy selfish!

We often hear from women: He's just sexy egotist! But underlying the need to understand: the thinks only of himself, in my experience he does not care, believe myself to blame, that do not orgasm ... How do these conversations - is understandable. Men in fact are arranged so that the receipt of an orgasm - it is the inevitable finale of their sex. As for women, then they are not as clear. Statistics show that only 40% of women do experience orgasm. And yet, whether blame the men selfish? And is it really so bad if we think, be selfish in bed?

Orgasm selfish

Orgasm as the highest manifestation of pleasure by its nature is selfish. Is it possible to experience pleasure without thinking about himself, not for ourselves? Moreover, if you do not care that it's fun to you, so it will be a party. Perhaps that is why many women do not experience orgasm.

A mistake to believe that an orgasm - it is the feeling to which a woman must bring a man, and he, you know (see above), thinks only of himself. First, nobody owed nothing to anybody - this is a general concept of life. And, secondly, it is impossible to reach the goal, if not go to her most, and vykladyvayas in full. Greatest feelings arise only when he is actively enabled the process - well, so nature works.
Being selfish in bed - it means to have multiple orgasms required for the onset of desires:

-Wanting Sex
-Wanting a partner
-Wanting to orgasm

Agree, it is quite natural, not reprehensible selfishness.

Men - "for"!

What the statistics show? Healthy Women's selfishness in bed, men are welcome. For selfish woman for sex will behave sexually active. It will be proactive and set free, will agree on various experiments, it will be ready to make love anytime, anywhere, and very often, and no matter what. Who of the men against such behavior? This is not a woman, but just a dream!
And the main thing. Woman having sex out of altruism, for the pleasure of a partner can be compared with sex-robot does not claiming reciprocity. But whatever may be said about male selfishness, men still important to meet the woman. A woman, configured to your own pleasure, and, therefore, receive it, gives the man a new impulse for stimulation and reinforces his orgasm. That's a vicious circle of mutual benefits.

Terms literate egoist

In fairness, we must clarify that egoism egoism strife. Or rather, both: being selfish in bed, do not forget that your partner's sexual selfishness, too, must be satisfied. Otherwise, how!

At one time I heard one interesting idea which, in my opinion, entitled to occupy a worthy place in the fount of folk wisdom: "A good sex - is the union of egoists, allowing the bed realized both selfishness." Just noticed, does not it? And if you want to be sexually happy, then this must be learned.
To cite just a few rules that help to be in bed not just selfish, but selfish literate.

1. Do what you enjoy.

2. Learn to enjoy the fact that good partner.

3. Be honest with your partner about your sexual preferences and try to implement all their secret desires.

4. If you do not like something, do not be afraid to say this once, sex - is the exclusive domain of pleasure.

5. I do not be shy.

6. Stay in bed are free and do not set any boundaries, following the principle of advertising: everything you want both, is permissible.

7. Never depicts an orgasm.

8. Do not look for the culprits and not despair if orgasm does not come, everything is decided by time, experience and a great desire.

9. Be flexible in sexual roles, then take the initiative, then take it outside.

10. Learn how to switch off their brains "and receive physical pleasure.

11. Allow yourself some rest from sex, with no discomfort and is not delivering the most uncomfortable partner.

It all comes down to the fact that to be selfish in bed is recommended. But keep in mind (say, to paraphrase a certain wisdom): the boundaries of your selfish ends where begins selfishness partner.

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